Privacy policy
The Entity
The European Coworking Assembly is a Dutch foundation registered with the DeKamer van Koophandel Netherlands under the name Stichting European Coworking Assembly, number 73105058 with its address at: Zandheuvel 52 B, 4901HW, Oosterhout, the Netherlands.
IBAN: NL55BUNQ2033781585
Account Name: Stichting European Coworking Assembly
Bank Name: Bunq Bank
VAT number: NL859356711B01
Privacy Statement
Our General Terms of Service are here
We don’t collect your data here for any purpose other than responding to you, so we have no policy on anything other than that.
If you send us an email we will answer you via the address you give us. If you ask us to call you we will do it with the number you provide. We won’t send you any other emails, and we won’t call you for any other reason, and we certainly won’t sell or share your data with anybody without checking with you first – you are not a prize to us. You are the Assembly, and we are too.
If you opt-in or interact with our Twitter, Facebook, or newsletter registrations then we will collect the data you opted into given to us for those purposes. Because, if you sign up for something with us you will get it. No exceptions.