Natalie du Toit and the Diversity of Disability and Accessibility part 2  

Welcome to the second and final part of this blog piece! In the previous blog, I shared my unusual experience and expertise in creating accessible environments both in the workplace and in sport. Join me as we explore a strategic approach on how to integrate the IDEA handbook into your coworking space and my vision of inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility.

A strategic approach

When considering how to make our coworking spaces more inclusive, diverse, equitable, and accessible, the IDEA handbook serves as an invaluable resource. The first step in this journey is understanding why these principles are essential for our business. We need to ask ourselves what we want to achieve as a coworking space and who we want to attract. By identifying the needs and preferences of our current and potential members, we can make informed decisions that align with our goals. The IDEA handbook clarifies these concepts, providing a solid foundation for our decision-making process.

Once we’ve decided to embrace these principles, the next step is taking concrete actions. Do we need to enhance accessibility for wheelchair users? Is our space conducive to adapting to those needs? The handbook guides us in identifying specific actions tailored to our unique circumstances. It offers practical advice on implementing changes that can make a significant difference, from physical accessibility improvements to creating a more inclusive environment for neurodivergent individuals. 

The third powerful step is finding the right resources, and this is where the IDEA handbook truly shines. While information on inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility is widely available, it can often be repetitive or offer surface-level advice. The handbook provides a comprehensive understanding of these concepts and detailed instructions on applying them effectively. It helps us navigate the complexities of creating a balanced environment that meets diverse needs without imposing one-size-fits-all solutions. This depth of knowledge is essential for long-term success in stimulating an inclusive coworking space.

Finally, it’s important to integrate these processes into the broader context of coworking space management. The coworking industry is evolving, and spaces must adapt to remain viable and attractive. Incorporating the principles of IDEA can set our space apart from others, offering something unique that resonates with a wider audience. As we engage in discussions about the future of coworking, these principles should be a central part of our strategy. By doing so, we not only enhance the inclusivity of our space but also contribute to its overall success and sustainability.

My Vision of IDEA 

My vision for a truly inclusive, diverse, equitable, and accessible coworking space starts with an encouraging environment that’s compassionate and transparent. While many do strive to embrace these principles, I recognise that some still resist change due to deeply ingrained cultural beliefs or a lack of awareness. In regions of Africa, for instance, there can still be significant pushback against women in leadership roles, reflecting broader societal attitudes that need to be addressed through persistent advocacy and strategic change. In our coworking spaces, promoting inclusivity means understanding and actively working against such barriers, ensuring everyone feels valued and supported.

To create this environment, we must be prepared to have meaningful conversations and make strategic decisions reflective of our commitment to inclusivity. This means not just talking about inclusion and diversity but embedding these values into the fibre of our coworking space. 

An essential part of my vision involves using resources like the IDEA handbook to guide our efforts. It’s not just about knowing the terminology but understanding how to apply these concepts in a way that genuinely benefits our community. For instance, instead of imposing blanket solutions, we should ask questions, gather feedback, and make informed decisions that reflect the actual needs of our members.

Ultimately, I want our coworking spaces to be a place where everyone feels welcome and able to perform at their best. This involves taking it slow and incorporating inclusivity in an organic way that naturally aligns with our operations, rather than forcing change abruptly. It’s about being open and honest, recognising the diversity that exists, and continuously striving to make our space more inclusive. By doing so, we can create a coworking environment that stands out by offering something truly special and supportive for all its users.

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