What To Expect From The Coworking Canada Unconference

If the words; coworking, collaborative spaces, community building, mutual help, communal care, entrepreneurship, and meaningful connections define your passion and interests, you definitely need to get involved with the annual Coworking Canada Unconference. We spoke to advocate, ally, and all-round nice person, Ashley Proctor from Coworking Canada and she left us with quite a few insights on the event coming up on 3 June 2021.

What can we expect from the upcoming Coworking Canada Unconference?

Similar to the Coworking Europe Conference, attendance to Coworking Canada isn’t limited to just people in Canada. Much of the focus will however be placed on challenges faced and events taking place in Canada, which is quite similar to what people are experiencing on a global level right now, ‘hopefully’ on our way out of the pandemic.

In an effort to remain accessible and to eliminate any unnecessary travel requirements, the unconference will once again take place online this year and the ‘pay what you can’ and free tickets will also be made available.

What has changed in how we communicate as an industry?

It appears that a lot of people are happy with this greater reset. Ashley adds that there is a growing idea that things might not have been operating in a way that people were comfortable with and that is clearly visible in how the new way of working has been warmly embraced. The new way of working has returned people’s power and freedom to decide how and where they want to work and how work might be better for them.

Choosing the speaker line up for the unconference

The process behind the selection of the speaker line up was aimed at addressing the issue of representation across the country. Ashley believes it is important to connect with different coworking operators and people with different experiences across the globe in order to gage what the future of the industry might look like through their lenses, and to think about what the challenges and opportunities might be for everybody. The panel can be seen as an opportunity to discuss the future of the movement and to make some decisions collectively.

Topics to be discussed during the event

This year topics were picked from ongoing conversations that have been taking place in Canada, some of them include, but are not limited to; community bonds and Land Trust, collective buying and collaborative advocacy, cooperative models, and the coworking values. 

Ashley adds that being part of the Coworking Canada Unconference is an excellent opportunity that many probably didn’t believe they would get to experience, and it’s essential that everyone who is in a position to, takes advantage of it.

Register for the event here.

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