Irene Manzini Ceinar: Community-Led Coworking Spaces

Hello Coworking Community! It’s the end of the year, and we don’t have the heart to leave the year without leaving you one last episode for the year 2020.


For this episode, our guest is Irene Manzini Ceinar of Bartlett School Of Architecture . She’s currently a Researcher at Bartlett School of Planning, and she is known as an ARB Architect and Urban Designer.


She hosted the Coworking Library Webinar before: New Working Spaces: Local Coworking in Post-Pandemic Times.


And for this episode, she’ll be sharing all about her research on the growth of the coworking spaces locally not just in Europe but globally and how it affects the community that surrounds those coworking spaces. She’ll also be delving on the complexities of those coworking spaces and how they are thriving before and how these coworking spaces are going to thrive especially during the pandemic. She will also be talking about community-led coworking spaces.


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