Jordi Massaguer – Rural Coworking in La Selva Del Camp

Welcome to another Coworking Values Podcast! For this episode, we’re excited to present our guest.


To provide some context, we’ve been sending emails to the coworking community for us to invite and interview for you, our coworking listeners. To share their coworking stories. And here we are!


Jordi Massaguer is one of the people who answered, and we couldn’t be more pleased.


Jordi runs a coworking space called El Taller in La Selva Del Camp in Tarragona, Catalonia, northern Spain.


Jordi is a computer engineer with expertise in Linux and other web applications.


Jordi will take us to when they founded El Taller coworking space in a village with about 5000 people. He will also share all about how they focus on their community and how diverse it is. Jordi also shares their challenges being a rural coworking space.


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