Alex Hillman – How Can Coworking Cope During the COVID19 Pandemic

For this Podcast, we have Alex Hillman, Co-founder of Indy Hall, a coworking space in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. 

In this podcast, Alex talks about his community’s reaction to the COVID19 crisis: what they did, how they started to prepare, and how they are keeping their community intact. He shares thier fears and struggles, the fears as many businesses have had and are having

What does Alex say about how any coworking community or business can figure out what works?

You may not know what your community would want to do online, it’s not your job to do it for them. It’s your job to figure out what they’re already doing and say, Hey, would it be cool if we found a way to do that together, and then use the online tools to do this, now is an unprecedented time to experiment. 

Not everything needs to be the most valuable or perfect because everybody is figuring everything out. I’m gonna talk more about some of the most experimental stuff that we’ve tried out. Just to give you an idea of how much range there really isn’t these tools, and maybe inspire you to be able to say yes to a member. 

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Alex on Indy Hall




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